Friday, January 17, 2020

a bit on forgiving

We have all been hurt.

Some of it was our own doing and some of it was delivered to us from the outside. Often, even if much of the pain comes from outside, we play a role in the drama as well. For example a person is hurt because they were fired, but they were fired for not doing what the boss wanted. A person is hurt over an illness, but they have not taken care of themselves. A person is broke because they bought too much of a home.

Sometimes we play a role in the difficulties that come our way.

Certainly, we should do everything that we can to recover from our hurts. Take what action we can to remedy the situation. But even so, sometimes the pain remains.

It helps me to remember that sometimes the people are not as evil as I may have thought at the time. I try to see their motives thru the eyes of Jesus. I also find it very helpful to picture that person with Jesus’ arm around them.

Ultimately, through working on the hurt I hope that we can move to a better place. Time sometimes can heal or be an ointment for wounds of the past. I feel one of mine healing. We know we are healing when the memories don’t hurt as bad. We know that we are healing when we don’t feel the need to tell the story anymore. And we know we are healing when we can recount the story and inject a bit of humor. I find humor to be helpful for many things.

If you are still hurting over a thing, keep working on it. Pray for those who hurt you. Admit your role in the situation. Choose to stop living in the past.  Let go of what you might have goofed up yesterday and release your self to live today, in the now.  Every time that we are stuck in an old hurt story, we are living in the past. Remember that today is a gift. Rise up this day and every day and give it your best. Get in your licks today for the sake of God’s love.

It is a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a trip to Ireland in July this year. If you are interested in reading about it, or joining in, the link is below.....

Treasures of Ireland
July 13-22, 2020

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