Tuesday, January 7, 2020

United Methodist Split

It appears that after years of wrangling over issues of human sexuality, the United Methodist Church is preparing to fracture.  A number of plans have been offered in the past few years, but a new plan has emerged that has the support of a wide range of leaders from all sides.

Here are the bullet points...
- a new traditionalist denomination will break off of the UMC.  [my guess would be that 20-30% of our churches will leave, but that is a guess.]
- churches that leave will be able to keep control over their buildings and assets.
- the new traditional denomination will continue it's ban on gay marriage and gay clergy.
- the future doctrine of the general UMC will welcome into full fellowship all people  including the LGBT community.
- the traditional denomination will receive 25 million dollars over 4 years.  In receiving this money, the new denomination gives up all rights to other assets such as Southern Methodist University, other Methodist colleges and various buildings in Nashville and Washington DC.  I would guess that due to reduced budgets it is likely that many of the current UMC assets will have to be sold off.
- all UMC churches will be able to vote to go with the new denomination, go out solo on their own, or stay with the current UMC.

This amicable split will be voted on in May 2020.  Yes it sounds sad, but this argument has been going on for far too long.  At least both groups will be able to engage in ministry as they see fit without the distraction of this long seething disagreement.

To read the full article about the plan, click the link below.

Click here for the full plan on UMC separation

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