Friday, January 10, 2020

Bitter or Better

I have heard that as folks grow older that they either get bitter or they get better.  Now how old is old?  I don't know, but I do see that as we age we face more and more changes.  Things happen that are beyond our control.  We lose our strength and our skin begins to sag.  We start to lose those that we love.  It hurts when your friends die.

I really was not counting on these experiences when I was younger, but here they are.  I don't like it so much.

Yes.  Here are the 60's the 70's and the 80's.  Life is different.  I am no longer in charge of anything.  Did my life make me sweeter or am I getting grumpy about how everything is turning out?

Bitter or better.  Regardless of your age, you and I have a choice every day.

Here is a prayer... Dear Lord, I used to be strong.  I used to be in charge.  I used to have the world by the tail.  Now I don't.  Please help me to look back with joy.  Please let the years make me sweeter.  Please stop me when I am feeling short, rude or bitter.  Help me to appreciate all of the good and to remember that it is still a beautiful day in your world.

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