Wednesday, September 14, 2022


My friend Tyler suggested that I watch the show "The Social Dilemma" on Netflix.  I did.  It is about the effect of the internet, facebook, twitter, etc on our society.  Much of the show was over my head, but one thing I did pick up on.

Internet use is polarizing society.  Hatred is up.  Love is down.  People will go to great extremes to protect their world view from the "evil opposition."

Let this blog be one voice against polarization.  If you are a Republican, please find a friend that is a Democrat.  If you are a Democrat, same suggestion.  Find people who are different than you are and value them.  

The way of Jesus is not about who the good ones are.  The way of Jesus is about love.  And love is available to everyone.  If our faith comes first, then love should come first.  Make friends with the other side.  Keep working on it, until you see the good in them.  God loves them too!!!

There are no t-shirts in heaven.  There are no political parties in heaven.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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