Saturday, December 3, 2022

$1, $5, $20, ?

It is the time of the year to start carrying $1 bills.  Actually I always try to carry them, because there is always some good cause to donate to.

The red kettles are coming out.  The Salvation Army is starting it's annual red kettle fund raiser.  Personally, I always put in $1.  I don't put in a $5 bill because I always put in a $1.  I never walk by the kettle without putting in.  Never.  It is just something that I do.  One of my life principles.

Putting in $1 does a number of things:
  • needy people are helped
  • I am/you are, stopped in your tracks and required to think about something besides where you are going
  • we get to look in the eyes of the person ringing the bell.
  • we get to say thank you

it is a lovely, simple, affordable, moment of generosity.  In the KC area today, there is a match on $20 donations.  So, get out there and give.

Giving makes us happy.  Release yourself from the attachment to money and things.  Give some of it away to a very deserving cause.

It's a beautiful day in God;s world, be sure to see the good.

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