Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Old Shovels

I love tools and I love shovels.  Recently I have picked up two old shovels that had been left outside, probably for years.  They were covered with rust and the wooden handles were extremely weathered.

I decided to resurrect them.  After all, Christians like resurrections.  I watched YouTube videos on restoring old shovels.  Isn't it amazing that there are YouTube videos for everything?  Many times in my work, I am faced with a product or situation, a repair that I have not done before.  A YouTube video can make anyone smarter.

Anyway, I sanded the rust off, most of it.  I ground off the stuck on concrete with my grinder.  I oiled the metal.  I sanded the handles and treated them with linseed oil.

I decided to clean up all of my shovels.
Note the pitch fork is still a work in progress.

I was so proud of how they turned out.  I thought, "you know Jeff, you should have taken a before and after" picture.  But then I thought about life, about how we all have a past that isn't pretty.  Sometimes, a picture of the present is all that is needed.

Old things can come back to life.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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