Friday, March 3, 2023

making the most of growing older

From time to time I mention "being old." This tends to bother some of my readers. What, 65 isn't old? I say that when you qualify for Medicare and social security, you qualify.

My friend Mike wrote in with these thoughts, "Ah, the joy of aging! Since I am 74, I get to see my bald head, blotches and bumps from precancerous conditions, scars from actual cancer excisions, crepey arms and legs, and turkey neck. All together, it makes quite a sight. Rather than viewing this situation as a sign of aging, I have decided to refer to it as a "Coordinated Dermatological Fashion Statement."

I love this!!!

I would remind myself and all readers, that it is far better to get old and to be old, then to pass at an early age.  Too many of us know of friends who died too soon.

Getting old ain't so bad.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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