Saturday, October 24, 2009


I am not a proponent of waste. I hate to see food wasted. It upsets me when Brinkman offspring leave half consumed bottles of water or cans of coke around. Hey, for heavens sake, finish one before you open the next.

Eat the left overs! There are starving people in India. My mom used to say that over and over. Mom and Dad were children of the depression. They never wasted anything.

waste not, want not.

I also think that we bring glory to God when we make good use of the resources that He has given to us. Teach your children well, because they are going to inherit the ability and the responsibility for the care of the resources of the planet.

Not sure why I am writing about this today, it was on my mind, so here it is. Again, I believe that we bring glory to God when we honor him by making good use of the resources that he puts in our control.

It's a beautiful day in Gods world, be sure to see the good.

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