Thursday, June 13, 2013

slow down - part two

Well I couldn’t agree more with Jeff’s post yesterday.  Slowing down.  Balance.  Unfortunately if your scale is tipped to the side of the busy, hectic, frantic then it often takes a lot of deliberate effort to bring things back to even again. I can relate Jeff. A lot of us can relate. And most, if not all, wish it were not that way.

Reading a book tends to slow me down a bit. Funny thing is what I read the night before the "slow down” post was this...
“(Knowing) God has made my life better. I move more slowly than I used to because I don’t want to miss anything.

I find more and more beauty and meaning in everyday, average moments that I would have missed before.
I need fewer answers because I see more.

I find more people fascinating than ever because I’m more and more used to being surprised by the mystery that a human being is.
I’ve discovered more and more events are less about the events themselves and more and more about me being open to whatever it is that’s going on just below the surface.”

So I ask myself the question. Do I respond to the thoughts this writer shared in the same way because of my relationship with God? If not then what do I need to do to make that happen...

Lion’s Den Man

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