Saturday, August 19, 2017

Negative posting

In response to one of my posts last week [the story about the boy, the crocodile and the rabbit] a dear friend wrote in and said, "Jeff - you don't always have to post happy everything will turn out right posts. That's not how the world is. This one made me think."
My friend's comment made me think. And I want to tell you.... I don't try to write happy or sad or anything particularly. I just write what is in my heart and mind. I am glad that some posts make people feel good. I am glad that some posts make us think.
I do think that there is a fine line between pushing us to think and being negative.  I don't ever want to be negative.  [and my friend was not saying that I should be]
I read some of what my facebook friends post on the internet and I just cringe.  In fact, there are a few folks that I have unfriended on facebook because of their negative rants.

Especially as a pastor, we have to remember that although we are entitled to our opinion, half of the congregation will not agree with us.  And if you want to be the pastor to everyone, they should have no idea what your politics are..... Ever.  We did not go into the ministry of Jesus to make political statements.

Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in thy sight.  Ps. 19

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Unknown said...

can't wait to begin my morning devotion time with Your blog Hope u don't stop this ministry- always listen to the birds sing, looking for the good n you sharing your thots

Unknown said...

Preach it, Jeff!

Unknown said...

Must have been a really smart friend. And pretty. lol