Thursday, December 21, 2023

How did you transition?

On a recent trip to Kansas City, I visited the Friday morning men's group.  About 15 of the best guys in the world.  We talked about the church and how it was doing.  We talked about some of the great things that it had accomplished.

My old friend, Bill C asked me a question which I am expanding... "How did you transition from being a part of something like this?  How did you transition from being the pastor of this place to retired life?  How did you adjust to not having this in your life?"

I actually had an answer to the question... First of all, it is not an easy transition.  To be a part of something so cool, and then it is just gone from your life... not easy.  But this is what my brain did:

Pastors were not always paid.  Paul made tents and did his pastor work on the side.  The early church did not have buildings or Elders and Deacons.  All of that was made up later.  What they did have was love.  They had leaders and members who understood that they were put on this earth to love others.  That is why we are here.  That is why I am here.

Even without a church, I can do the work of a Christian.  I can love people.  And I do my best to do that every day.  So, yes I left the big organization and the big building, but I still have what matters most.  I have the ability to love people every single day.

I love you - I hope you know that.  

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a trip to Ireland October 15-24, 2024.
click here for the brochure

If you have questions, feel free to email me at

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