Saturday, December 9, 2023

War is hell

More on what is happening in Israel.

War is hell.  I am against killing.  I am against death.  I am for love and kindness.

But, there are times in this world when evil must be vanquished.  Unfortunately, this means war.  Vietnam was an unnecessary war.  There have been many other needless wars.  

But there have been wars where good fought against evil.

Allies vs Nazis in WW2.  Good vs Evil.

Ukraine vs Russia.  Good vs Evil.

Israel vs Terrorists.  Good vs Evil.

While I am sorry for every civilian casualty, let us remember that Hamas hides among civilians.  It creates the civilian losses and then points them out for political gain.  in 2006, Gazans voted Hamas into power.  While many Palestinians oppose Hamas, many support it, even helping to hide hostages.  One hostage that escaped was actually captured and returned to Hamas by residents of Gaza.

War is hell.  When there is a war, cities are bombed.  People are killed.  It is a tragic fact of life.  Good, moral nations seek to minimize civilian casualties, but this is difficult when the enemy hides within.

May this war, and all wars end soon.  May evil and hatred be vanquished.  May there one day truly be Peace on Earth.

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