Friday, October 12, 2007

it's hard to say it all

Do you ever read the blog and not totally agree? Do you ever listen to the sermon and not totally agree? Its gonna happen, and its ok.

Whether you have 20 minutes for a sermon, or 400 words for a blog, it is hard to say it all. There is no question that it is next to impossible to cover every angle of a topic in a short time. I pray that everyone understands that. Sometimes, for everything that I say, there are three things that are unsaid. For every topic that I manage well, there are two others that rise to the top with questions.

It is hard to speak comprehensively to every topic in a short period of time. Sometimes I imply something that I did not really mean to imply.

What does that mean for all of us? Well, you just do the best that you can. What ever you do, you do the best that you can. Understanding that what you will do is less than perfect, you still go out and get after it.

Pay your money, make your choice. Take your shot. Do your thing, live your life. Say sorry when you need to. But put your best game on the table.

It's all good. We all love each other. Yes, there is a bunch to add to what I said, yes there are many more details. Lets tell the stories, lets love one another. It's all good. It will all work out just fine in God's plan. I love you, you love me, I hug you from afar. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

terry said...

Well said-- I like that-- it's OK to fail, just keep trying. Together we make the body of Christ-- together we find where we fit. This is why your blog is important-- it provides perspective. You make us think, challenge ourselves, you make us ask ourselves, "how do I feel about that?"