Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the feeling that you want to preach

There is a funny feeling that a preacher gets when he or she has not preached for a long time. I think that other preachers get the feeling. I assume that they do. It is like something inside of you just yearns to talk to people about faith in Jesus Christ.

One time Jeremiah was mad at God. The work of a prophet was not going so well for him. He tried to stop speaking for the Lord, but he could not. The word of the Lord was like a fire in his bones.

Jer 20:7 O LORD, you deceived [b] me, and I was deceived [c] ;
you overpowered me and prevailed.
I am ridiculed all day long;
everyone mocks me.
8 Whenever I speak, I cry out

proclaiming violence and destruction.
So the word of the LORD has brought me
insult and reproach all day long.
9 But if I say, "I will not mention him

or speak any more in his name,"
his word is in my heart like a fire,
a fire shut up in my bones.
I am weary of holding it in;
indeed, I cannot.

Here is one of my little secrets.............I left the ministry once as a young man. The church was driving me crazy and my life was a mess. I shouldn't blame the church, I had a very unrealistic life view....nothing made sense to me at the time. I thought I would not miss preaching, but the fire in my bones was almost more than I could stand. I didn't care how long it took or how much minimum salary was, I wanted another opportunity to be a minister.

I am very grateful for second chances. If ever I get discouraged, I remember what it was like to be out, and want so much to be back in.

It's only been three weeks, but I have that feeling. A fire in my bones, a deep desire to talk to God's people. I am excited for Sunday.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bring that fire with you on Sunday - we can handle it! We are ready to feel the heat. . . .

Welcome back dear pastor.