Tuesday, July 22, 2008


The prodigal son was allowed to come home. Grace.
The rude driver is allowed into the compressed traffic line. Grace.
No record of wrongs is kept. Grace.
Kind words to a troubled soul.
A sack lunch to a homeless person.
Hillcrest ministries.
Prom dresses.
We don't earn it. Grace.

An understanding heart. Grace.
A willingness to forgive. Grace.
Arrows are received.
No retaliation.
Saul becomes Paul.
The young are encouraged.
Strangers are welcomed.
Words of love are shared. Grace.

A child is adopted. Grace.
A reaction is withheld. Grace.
Esau receives Jacob.
Joseph forgives his brothers.
School supplies.
Their first new pair of shoes.
A meal at the Ronald McDonald house.
A hug for the lonely. Grace.

A world created. Grace.
Rain in a dry land. Grace.
The rhythm of the ocean waves.
Stately mountains.
A cross.
The son of God suffers.
My sins are forgiven. Grace.

Somewhere dear friends, there is someone today, who is in need of grace. We have all received it. Let's be sure to give it away.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Graced to serve" became a touchstone that grounded my life as a Christian. Even as I recognize and rejoice in grace, responding by serving begets even more grace experiences. You helped me hear the bird sign this morning ... GRACE.