Thursday, July 24, 2008

Love keeps no record of wrongs

Think of those people that you love.
Now think of all the ways that they have hurt you.
are you thinking?
Actually, you should not be able to do this. Love keeps no record of wrongs. When we love someone else, we forgive them.

This is a complicated issue because other people can hurt us in so many ways, but I did not make this up. You can find it in 1 Corinthians 13. Love keeps no record of wrongs.

There is at least one person out there who feels that they have let me down and hurt me. Here are my words to you: Forget it. It is no big deal. I love you so much more than to let something like this separate us. Don't let it bother you. Let's move on. It is all in the past.

Relationships that do not navigate past difficult waters are pretty shallow. Deep, lasting, loving relationships grow through painful moments.

God, in Christ has forgiven us. Love keeps no record of wrongs.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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