Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is the church alright?

The past few months I have been asked many times, "is the church alright?" What people want to know is whether or not the financial and economic times have effected giving. Can the church pay it's bills.

Well, we have been watching everything very closely. You know the church will live within it's means. So far, what we are seeing is that people are very committed to their church. They may have skipped eating out a time or two, but they are still supporting their church financially.

Interestingly enough, yesterday on the radio I heard that attendance and income is down 9% at the area casinos. Not that I want anyone to lose their job if they work there. But, what that info tells me is that good people know what is really important and they are supporting that which is making a significant impact in the world.

Thank you for your love and support for your church.

It is a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you know it just never even occurred to me that the church wasn't alright. I guess I just shouldn't assume that. I know that I'm not, but it just truly didn't occur to me that the church might not be.