Sunday, May 24, 2009


As I write at 6:40 this morning, there is a beautiful bank of fog that has settled onto the east side of the church property. As the sun comes up and shines through it, it is a peaceful, amazing picture.

By the time you get to church today, the fog will be gone.

I wish it was true for all of life's fog banks. Sometimes we are cloudy and confused and it is hard to get to the other side. There are things and situations that are just troubling to us.

That is why I am glad that we have a God to trust in. He doesn't make life perfect, but there is no better guide in life, no better person to hold onto in time of storm than our heavenly Father.

If you find yourself in a fog bank today, be sure to make it to church. Maybe God will lift it and you will be able to see Him. Sometimes that is all it takes to turn the corner, taking our focus off of the fog and keeping our eyes on the Guide.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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