Friday, September 18, 2009

a good exercise

You know every so often Jeff will put something of real value in his sermon..........ok every week....But what do you do with what he has shared? Hopefully you take the message in...digest it....and at some point in time you share it or begin to live it......

This summer Jeff gave the illustration of the iceberg. Maybe you remember was about relationships. What is above water (the seen) and below water (the unseen). How well you know people or are wiling to let them know you? I jotted down some of the points during the sermon and last week I shared them with some of my closer friends. What a great experience......

The list of questions went something like this:

What are your three favorite things?
When was the last time you were really happy?
What is it that brings you joy in life?
What is your greatest hurt?
If you had to offer an honest prayer to God what would it be?

Good stuff to share... We all need people in our life that we can discuss questions like this with.....people we can trust with what is inside of us...... It is a relationship that often takes time to build. We need to earn the right to go beneath the water.

If you don't have a relationship like this in your life I hope you seek it out one day. It can be can bring positive change.....we weren't meant to go it alone.

Lion's Den Man

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AND if you really like this experience, you could come to Sermon Re-wind where go into more depth after Jeff's sermon. It's at 11:15. An unabashed plug for a great Sunday school class.

Paula Higbee