Saturday, March 6, 2010

the internet

You know, it is hard to post a blog if you don't have the Internet. What is the world coming to. Everything is so totally reliant on electronic gadgets and wireless signals that run through the air.

You know, if something ever happened to all of the cell towers, where would we be? Well, the young people might be lost, but we who grew up without computers and cell phones might return with joy to the life that we grew up on.

Imagine again, you actually have a little peace and quiet in your world. You carried real paper and pen to meetings. You had a paper calendar.

Well, this post was late today because our Internet was down at home. Now its back up, "phew." What were we going to do? The whole technology thing is kind of mind boggeling.

It's a beautiful 50 degree day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Whew! is right. How would I have coped today without your witty, worthy, wonderful words of life. Sorry, I got carried away. ; )

I watched a "reality" show the other day where a teen aged girl said she'd rather die than have her cell phone taken away. I'd like to think that she was being over dramatic for the sake of television ratings, but who knows these days? Sad thought.