Sunday, May 19, 2013


I was having breakfast with a friend who was bemoaning the fact that his spiritual life isn't what it used to be.  He was remembering when he was younger and read the Bible more.  Many of us grew up this way:  read the Bible, say your prayers, and then you are spiritual.  Get those things done and then get on with your life.  In fact, we often forgot about the spiritual part during the rest of our life.  Give Jesus his moments of prayer and study, then live life the way you want to, that was my mantra as a youth.

There is an alternative.  For a Christian, there are no secular moments, unless you make them so.  No Christian has a secular job.  Every day that you walk into that school, that factory or that whatever, you walk in with the chance to love souls created by God.  That sounds pretty spiritual to me.  Imagine asking Jesus, "how is your spiritual life?"  For Jesus, all of life was spiritual.

How about instead of spending time feeling badly, we start to look at all of life as a gift.  It is all a blessing, it is all a chance to love someone for Christ.  When we do that, it is all spiritual.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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