Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nicaragua Question

Someone sent me a note after the Nicaragua presentation in church.....

 " I cant support this if we are making a material impact only. How will this have a spiritual impact? There was no spiritual content on Sunday. Why be in this line of work if not to proclaim the truth of Christ?"

Let me say a few words about the spiritual nature of the Nicaragua mission.  I guess this person wants us to go to Nicaragua and preach to them.
These people are already Christians.  They have churches.  They are largely Catholic, Assemblies of God and random protestant.

The y have pictures of Jesus on their walls. They pledge to pay back their loans before God and everyone.  They talk about God.  They are conscious of their faith in ways that we are not.

 Will we preach to them?  We will probably do a vbs.  We will discuss faith.  We will have a relationship with them as with other Christian people.  We are not the great spiritual American Christians who have so much to teach the rest of the world.  My guess is that we probably have spiritual things to learn from them.  I think we can learn from people who love God even though they have nothing.

 The gospel is about actions as much if not more than words.  John Wesley said, - "preach the gospel, when necessary, use words."  In the story of the Good Samaritan, the Good Samaritan does not preach to him, he binds his wounds.  Those that wanted to preach passed by on the other side.  He was an example to us all because he stopped his life to help.  In 1 jn 3:17 we find these poignant words, "if you have the world’s goods and see your brother in need, and hold back your heart of mercy, how does the love of God dwell in you?"

Finally in Mt 25- Jesus says, "I was hungry and you fed me."  He does not say I was hungry and you preached to me.

Words of love and acts of love.  They are all spiritual.  I hope this helps.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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