Thursday, June 11, 2009

Home sweet home

Sometimes we get cabin fever and we want to get out of Dodge. Sometimes we are bored with home. We shouldn't be. Last week I left for Annual Conference on Thursday. Had to go a day early for a meeting. Got back from Springfield on Monday. Four nights in a hotel. That is a long time. I don't know how my wife does it every week. Maybe it helps her stay married to me.

John Denver said, "hey it's good to be back home again." Well, I am glad to be home. I have so totally enjoyed the mundane normal things like taking out the trash, feeding the dog, and cleaning up after the partial-adults who live here with me. I even got to pull some weeds the other night.

We should never get bored with our normal things. They are pretty wonderful really. We get tired of things far too easily and take them for granted. We shouldn't. I am glad to be home.

Oh, and by the way, all four of your pastors, Gina, Sherri, Clay and Jeff were reappointed to Woods Chapel for another year. It is good to be home.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Sharon said...

Awesome news!

YLTF said...

The other day we found out what happens when you don't bother to pay your electric bill. Your house goes dark. Nothing. I thought well at least we have the microwave..then I thought again with both sides of my brain. At first it was what on earth are we going to do we can't go all night without electricity. Then I stopped and took a step back ...of course we can.
We lit candles. We explored the house, we played board games by candlelight, we read storys, we TALKED, we went to bed a little early. The candles were soothing.
The quiet was nice. Yes we take so much for granted like throwing a switch will bring light.
It was a great night.
I don't recomend not paying your electric bill however.

Anonymous said...

We'll all keep on enjoying our church home all the more because of this good news.

They wouldn't dare take you all away from us!

A member who also loves being home.