Saturday, July 25, 2009

If I could speak for Erin

Ok, I feel bad for the ESPN reporter who was filmed secretly in her hotel room. If I could speak for her, this is what I would say............

Some people tried to hurt me. They tried to steal part of who I am. But this is impossible, because who I am is far more than what I look like. My parents gave me a great name. I have worked hard to be a person of character. No one can steal me, unless I forfeit myself, and I am not for sale.

Let's feel sorry for the small people in this world. Let's feel sorry for the users of this world. Let's celebrate the good things of this life. Family, love, life, and baseball. We know what makes America great, and we are going to keep celebrating it.

If you have been hurt by others, take heart from this story about me, for this is not what I am about. I will show you what I am about. Life is still good and we will celebrate it together. Let's play ball.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there is any way at all she would ever read this . . . she would feel so blessed by your words.

There are a few good men in this world . . . you are one of them! kb