Monday, August 12, 2024

I feel insecure about preaching

From time to time, even in my old age, I get to talk to pastors and listen to how they feel about being pastors.  Most are very insecure.

I tell them that this is great!!!  It is much better to feel a bit insecure, then to be one of those who feels as if they are God's gift to the world.

I am thinking of a fellow pastor who demands, "total loyalty."  I guess that you cannot question him and I guess that if you do, you are cast aside and shunned.  He and I are, and always have been, oil and water.  And I am fine with that.

It is ok to feel insecure when you stand behind the holy desk [pulpit] after all, it is a privilege to do so.  I believe that it is better to have your pockets full of Rolaids on Sunday morning and to let your broken humanity rely on the good Lord as best as you can.

Don't worry about feeling insecure... God uses the broken.  God uses the weak.  God fills the empty.  It is better to stand on the stage and feel needy then to stand on the stage and be full of one's self.

The hymns are over.  It is time for you to step out.  Take a deep breath and go get your licks in for Jesus.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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