Sunday, August 4, 2024

It's not a sign

UGH!!!  I get so frustrated with people who are always looking for signs.  They are always looking for some reason to prove that Jesus is coming back or that Henry Kissinger, or Barack Obama or Trump is the anti-Christ.

Friends... let's get real.  There are coincidences that happen in this life... they are not a sign.  We need to stop looking for all of these crazy proofs of what ever our doctrine is.

Things happen.  Random things happen.  Don't put too much stock in what happens.  There are many random happenings in this world.

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And so I was working in Richmond KY earlier this week.  Do you see the sign yet?  And by chance, in the parking lot of the retail store that we are remodeling, there is a McDonalds.  I decided to go there for lunch.  I wanted to get the new $5 lunch because I am frugal [cheap].  Do you see the sign yet?  No??? Just wait for it.

So I order at the kiosk and pick up my table tent.  My table tent is #6.  I don't think much of it until my receipt comes out.

My table tent was randomly #6

And this was my receipt #666

OMG!!! I guess that this proves that I am the anti-Christ.  Tomorrow I will see Jesus' face in a tortilla.  

The point of this blog is to point us away from conspiracy theories.  I want to point us away from speculative theology and speculative religion.

Just love the people around you.  Stop looking for special signs.  And love the people at McDonalds.  They all got a big laugh when I showed them my receipt and told them that I was ... well, you know who!!!

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good. 

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