Friday, August 16, 2024

looking in the mirror pt 2.

I got this from my friend Donna.  Who is a super human being!!!

We really do a number on ourselves as we age, and it’s usually all negative. I know because I have joined and am “First Vice President” of this humongous “club”!  I look in the mirror and groan and ask, “Where did you go?”…..

But the other day you sent a post with a quote by Mother Teresa. I have admired her for years and went on line in search of pictures of her.  What I found….what I saw with fresh eyes… was example after example of a beautiful woman. Her beauty had nothing to do with cosmetics or her focus on clothes and looking just so. She never looked embarrassed or self-conscious… because  her focus was never on herself! Her beauty radiated from her inner core where she deeply loved others and did her phenomenal best to do good where ever she saw need.

What a difference this moment has made in how I feel about my “not so gorgeous” aging. I will still try to look my best when out in public (that’s just me), but I’m going to use Mother Teresa’s example as my new role model and stop lamenting over what I can no longer control. I want a similar inner beauty to radiate out of me where a smile is glorious, and compassion is offered in abundance. If I can’t do that, it won’t matter one bit how I look!

Thank you Donna, that is some good stuff for sure!!!
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good, even when you look into the mirror.

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