Saturday, August 3, 2024

I love this story

So my friend Courtney went on a vaca with her family.  By the way, do you know the difference between a vacation and a trip?  If you take the kids, its a trip.

Anyway, the four of them travelled to Costa Rica, leaving the morning of the world wide computer failure. You read what I wrote about my experience of being stuck... here is hers...

Hope you made your flight to Kentucky!! We just arrived home last night from our family vacation to Costa Rica. We flew out on the Friday morning that the computer systems shutdown and our 6 day vacation turned to a 9 day one!  It was such an ordeal with every emotion humanly possible—but so much unexpected beauty.  Stranded in Texas, two days searching for luggage with thousands of others that became our friends. People were crying and separated from family and friends. Stressed out but so encouraging and kind to each other.  We saw no anger, just humans trying to support each other by sharing experiences and information to help make the other’s journey easier. Waiting for 6 hours for luggage in shifts with our family we would fist bump and cheer and clap for other passengers when they finally found theirs. In a time when everyone seems so divided it was an awesome thing for me to experience, for my kids to experience. It was HOPE and KINDNESS and we are all better for it. We did not take a moment of our trip for granted and we are so crazy tired and content. Just wanted to share…the world is full of wonderful people. We will all be okay when we are looking for the good.

I love it. She is so much of a better person than I am.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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