Tuesday, August 20, 2024

One Life

So on the airplane to KC I started watching the movie "One life." It is a true story of a man who spent part of WW2 rescuing Jewish children from Prague. It is kind of like Shindler's list.

I love movies about WW2. It was such a frightening time, but also a time when people rose to the occaision and good triumphed over evil.

There is a quote from the movie... the lead character is talking about getting involved to help rescue the children. He said,
"I have seen it
And I cannot unsee it
Because I might be able to do something about it -
I must - at least try"

Sometimes in life we have to try. Just because we cannot fix everything does not mean that we should not do what we can.

What can you do to make the world a better place? What can I do?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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