Sunday, April 13, 2008

new trees

This week, new voices arrived on the church property to declare the glory of God. The daffodils are in bloom on the north side of the pond. Check them out.

There are also five new Cleveland pear trees and eight new flowering crab apple trees. See if you can find them. This is an exercise in seeing the good.

Seeing the good is like that, sometimes you have to work at it. Apply that thought to some challenging area of your life.

Another interesting thought here is that there are already so many trees on the property, you may have trouble finding them. Life too, has so many good things, that often we don't even notice when we receive a new blessing. Our net already has 153 fish in it. We catch a few more, and sometimes it is hard to notice. It shouldn't be that way. We should pay better attention to the good things and focus on them more.

Just taking the time to look for the trees will probably make you look at everything. I love that thought. Let me know if you find them.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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