Saturday, September 27, 2008

empty shell

Dear Empty Shell,

You have been on my mind and in my prayers. When I pray for you, I bring you into the presence of God. I ask our loving Father to wrap you in His arms. I ask that God will comfort you and console you as only He can.

You are not an empty shell. You just feel like one. Look in the mirror and ask yourself, "who is your daddy?" You have a Father in heaven. You are a child of the King. When all else fails you can trust in Him. You can rely on God. Sometimes we never really learn what it means to depend on God until we are taken down to nothing.

I hope that all of your circumstances change per your desires. But I pray for an outpouring of grace. For an infilling of love. For a blood bond to grown between you and God.

When we remember who we are in Christ, we can face the day, no matter what it brings.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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