Sunday, September 28, 2008


Fear is an interesting thing. About the time that we think we have eradicated it from our lives, it shows up again. An unwelcome relative. A bad penny.

In some cultures, when people are afraid, they pray harder to their idols. They sacrifice more people on their altars. They fear that the Gods are angry.

This doesn't work in America. Our idols are cars, boats, houses, the American dream. You can't pray to that stuff.

Here is the good news for us. When Americans are afraid, they give up on their idols. They return to church. We will have some first time visitors today who have come to church because they are afraid.

This is our chance. Our chance to show them the love of God. To hold out hope. To be His voice. Jesus said, "fear not little flock, I am with you."

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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