Wednesday, November 5, 2008

30 days, day 5

Wednesday, November 5th.

Today I am thankful for the gift of sight. Sight is a gift that is taken for granted by so many. The ability to open your eyes and see the trees in the fall, a bird in flight, the smile of a friend. Oh, what a great gift it is to see. To be able to read, to watch a movie, to see your children walk in the door. To see the stars at night, the clouds in the day, and a thousand other things.

Four years ago about this time, I had cataract surgery on both eyes. I didn't realize how clouded my sight had become. Sight is like that. It is so subjective. How do we know that when I see green, I see green the same way that you do? How do I know that when I look at myself I am seeing myself clearly?

Ahh the other side of sight. Insight. To look at myself and various life situations and see them for what they truly are. To be able to look inside and take an honest, fearless moral inventory of who I am. The possibility of a better future for us begins when we look at ourselves and are honest enough to see ourselves as we are.

What do you see today? What do you see in yourself? Is there some area in my life that I have seen that I need to allow the Holy Spirit to work on?

It is a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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