Sunday, January 23, 2011


Oh no. Snow again. On Saturday night. Doesn't God know that some people will miss church because of a little snow? I am sure that He does.

I have noticed a few things about snow.
1. it tends to make my cars break down.
2. it tends to make my children incapable of lifting a shovel.

Advice for winter weather.
1. keep warm clothes in the car, just in case.
2. keep lots of gas in your tank. not just because you don't want to run out, but if there is lots of room in your tank for air, the air will change temperature and the water in the air will condense and get in your fuel line and freeze.
3. Shovel the drive right away. Don't drive on it first.
4. when you get the slightest thawing, shovel off the stuff that has become loose.
5. drive much slower in the snow and keep lots of following distance.

Do you all have cabin fever? I do. I can't wait until spring.

We start the sermon series on the beatitudes today. I look forward to seeing you in God's house. Don't let the snow keep you away.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with God's snowflakes,
and think, why aren't you?
They were created uniquely...
falling perfectly on cue.

If we slow down our cadence -
just take notice and see,
there's a beautiful wonder
God has created us to see.

If only we'll go out there,
unplug from life's race -
we might meet our creator,
in that white wonderful place!


You might guess from those verses that my heart sings when it snows. I guess I'm just "flakey" like that.