Saturday, January 22, 2011

true love

True love goes out to everyone. It is not reserved for those who like us, or for those who we like. True love, like God's love, goes out to everyone. There is no discrimination based on behavior or worthiness.

When we are really being filled with love, we can turn the other cheek, we can go the second mile, and we can love our enemies.

the light of a lamp goes out to all. The scent of the rose goes out to all. The shade of a tree is available to all. So it is, when our hearts are filled with true love, we see the good even in the most challenging of folks.

Love goes out to all. Love wins.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I was just reading in a very, very old book this morning, In His Image by Williams Jennings Bryan, cir. 1922. This paragraph really made me stop and think:

It is impossible for man to render any service to God Himself. There is nothing that we can do for Him except to love Him with heart and mind and soul and strength. It is to the neighbor that we pay the debt that we owe to the Heavenly Father. Love, like music, is a universal language that all can understand.

Love, love, is all you need. ; )