Saturday, August 31, 2013


More on the prodigal son.  You may know that I have been thinking about this story a lot lately.  Last week I made a new friend, Brett Opalinski is a really cool pastor from Ft. Lauderdale.  We were talking one night about the prodigal son story.

I have been so struck by the thought that the father welcomes the son, without an apology.  He just sees the son coming home and rushes out to embrace him.  The churches that I grew up in would have made the son stop, beg for forgiveness and repent before he was embraced.

The father in Jesus' story simply embraces the son who is coming home.  Brett O added another twist on the tale. 

The father embraces the son, and he doesn't even know why the son is coming home.  The son may be just stopping by.  The son may be coming to ask for more money.  The father doesn't know.  He isn't worried about any of that.  He is just so glad to see his son.  He rushes out to welcome him.   No questions asked.

This is grace.  Amazing grace.  Unconditional love.  Transforming love.  When people receive this kind of love from God, they are changed.  It is a beautiful thing.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooooo awesome! I'd like to call it the "Prodigal Child" because it could be a daughter. And that unconditional love & grace is what has made all the difference in our family!!!!!! Never ever give up on your child! Our Father never does!!!!!