Saturday, October 27, 2018

turnabout kindness

So we had some Kohl's cash.  I knew that we weren't going to use it, and it expired on Sunday.  I took it to church and asked during the announcement time if someone was going to Kohls, that we had this free Kohl's cash.

One of the nice church ladies took it.  I was glad that it was not going to waste.  Hopefully she would use it to buy something that made her happy.

The following Sunday she was again in church.  Now she hands me a Kohls bag with a nice red tie in it.  Seems that she had used our Kohls cash and some of her own to buy me a present.

I was struck by the selflessness of her actions.

Every time I think about what she did, my heart is happy.
Kindness almost always delivers joy. 

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading some trips this year and next. If you are interested in reading about them, or joining in, the links are below.....

Holy Land Tour - includes my favorite spots
with optional Jerusalem extension
March 4-13, 2019

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