Friday, November 16, 2018

Jesus loves you... but

Last Sunday I visited a local church near our home.  I had met the people when they threw a car wash.  I liked them.  They seemed mission minded and kind.

So Sunday on my first Sunday without a church assignment, I visited their worship service.  They are friendly and kind.  They have good demographics, young - middle and older folks.  The music was great.  The singing was great.

During the sermon [which was 45 minutes long] I heard the same thought over and over.  Yes Jesus loves you, but.  But you need to grow up.  But you need to stop sinning.  But you need to change.  But.  But.  But.

Let me say this...............
If there are conditions on love, it is not love.  I love you but, is not love.  Love welcomes, love embraces, love delivers grace.  Change may come, but it is the love that causes a person to change, not an edict.  Jesus just loved people.

If you are loving people with conditions, please stop.  Just love them.  It is our job to love them, not try to fix them, that is God's job.   Love is our purpose on this earth.  It is what we are created for.

I love you.  You are loved.  No ifs, ands, or buts.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading some trips this year and next. If you are interested in reading about them, or joining in, the links are below.....

Holy Land Tour - includes my favorite spots
with optional Jerusalem extension
March 4-13, 2019

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