Saturday, September 4, 2021

It is at least partly my fault

So there is this guy that does not like me.  It has bothered me for a long time.  I keep trying to let it go.  One thing that helps me is to see what happened from his perspective.  How did he experience our encounter.

Now in this encounter, I did what I thought was right.  And given the same circumstances again, I don't know that I would do it any differently.  But his perception of what happened and how it impacted him is probably a source of pain for him.

Seeing the other person's perspective is always helpful.

It helps me to see how he might hurt.  It helps me to understand his rejection of me.  In most of life's painful situations, I usually had a role.  I usually have a burden to bear in the story.  We love to blame others and we hate to take responsibility. 

It helps me to realize that this painful thing can't be shoved off.  It is not everyone else's fault.  The whole thing is at least partly my fault.

And so I get up and go on and try to make better decisions.  I get up and go on and try to be a source of good.  I try to steer clear of danger.  I want my life to be less about pain and hurt and more about good and healing.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a River Cruise to Belgium and the Netherlands March 19-27, 2022. If you are interested in reading about the trip or joining in, the link is below.

Click here for the cruise brochure

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