Friday, August 29, 2008

drop your nets

This morning I remember the story of Jesus calling his disciples. "Put down your nets, come and follow me."

I see Jesus today, standing next to me, next to you asking us to do the same thing. Jeff, [put your name in here] "put down your nets, come and follow me."

How do I feel when Jesus speaks to me? What do I think about his request? Do I have any idea what his request really means? There is something about the way that he speaks to me. I am compelled to follow. Everything will work out.

If I put down my nets today, what are they? What are the normal common things of life that I must leave behind in order to follow him? I think about that for a few minutes. What are your nets?

The nets of life can keep us entangled in un-mission. Maybe the reason that so few people follow him to the place that he calls, is because they are unwilling to lay down their nets. Let's not be among them. Our nets may be comfortable, they may be all we have ever known, but lets lay them down, lets follow Jesus and find out where he is going and what he is all about.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Oh, actually, I just did this last Thursday. God had been pestering me to lay down "my net" and follow Him...just do it, so to speak. When I did, it followed with pure peace.

Anonymous said...

Once again I enjoy your thoughts on a not-daily basis.
The journey is the heardest part, even more than the unknown element to taking on a new challenge. Whether it is just a new calling on a local level or moving to change careers.
When you go to a new place you lose all of the support systems you have at the old place and have to develop new ones. That is the heardest part for some of us. I think that in the system in which you work, with reassignment as a yearly possibility, it is easier for you to relate to dropping old entanglements.