Sunday, March 1, 2020


Some people can make you feel like a million dollars.  There is a server at Bobby's restaurant who makes me and lots of other people feel like a million dollars.  She is just so friendly to everyone.  She is universally loved.  She makes your day.

And so if she can do it, so can the rest of us!  Wouldn't it be nice if we became known as the kind of people who make other people feel like a million bucks?  Let's all learn to light up when we see people coming.

See them.   Smile at them!  Hug them.  Tell them you are so glad to see them!

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a trip to Ireland in July... If you are interested in reading about it, or joining in, the link is below.....

Treasures of Ireland
July 13-22, 2020

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