Saturday, October 28, 2023

Question 1

A few weeks ago I asked for questions to be submitted.  I have received about five of them.  I am going to start working on answering them.  Here is the first one, and it come from one of my very favorite humans.

"Why don't we have communion every Sunday in our Church?"

Answer... many different denominations and churches within denominations have different practices regarding the frequency of communion.

All Catholic churches have it every Sunday.  Some other churches have it once a quarter.  I grew up in a church that had it 2x a month.  When I was at Woods Chapel in Lees Summit, as a general rule, we had it once a month, except we had it every Sunday at the 8am service.

This is one of those church items that people and pastors have differing ideas and preferences about.

But in my experience, in most protestant churches, I think you will find communion once a month, usually on the first Sunday.  Some pastors want to do it every week, and others will do it less often.

It can be unsettling when a new pastor comes in and changes the frequency of Communion, but ultimately the decision is up to them and the worship committee if the church has one.

I would encourage you to make it meaningful, whether you get to receive it weekly or once a month.

I hope that helps.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a trip to Ireland October 15-24, 2024.
click here for the brochure

If you have questions, feel free to email me at  

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