Tuesday, August 14, 2007

10:30 pm

Ha! I woke up again today with a song on my heart. Gospel!

"Hold to His hand, God's unchanging hand,
hold to His hand, God's unchanging hand,
build your hopes on things e-ter-r-nal,
hold to God's unchanging hand."

The gospel choir is practicing tomorrow [Wed.] at 6pm.
You may want to come out and join this group!
Look what you will be singing when you wake up in the morning!

Different subject.


I am alone at home. Wife and one girl at college. Other daughter on date. Reclusive son in the basement. Ok, technically if the son is home, I was not alone, but he holes up in the basement and you never hear from him unless he is hungry. Then watch out. The first clue that he is on the rampage is the rumbling of size 13 shoes coming up the stairs. Then, if you are in the kitchen, you better get out of the way. He used to come home from school after track practice and eat like a pig. I would chide him for ruining his dinner.

"Don't eat all of that! It's 5:00! We're going to eat in an hour!"

Well, when the time came for that, he ate dinner too. Once I saw him make, stack up on a plate, and eat four [4] ham and cheese sandwiches. I think he has a future in the national hot dog eating contest. Is that a paying job?

10:30 pm

I am alone at home. The phone rings. Friend from church. Wants to talk. I go and we sit on the porch for an hour. Same problem I am having. Kids going away to college.

There are some problems in life that you just cannot solve. I have found in such times, it is helpful to at least be able to sit with someone who can relate to our pain. Our hearts may be sinking, but it brings some comfort to know that you are not in the boat alone.

Remember, Jesus is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. If you think you are alone, you are not. He is there. He may not solve every problem, but He can bring a comfort and a peace that passes understanding.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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