Thursday, August 30, 2007

fall is in the air

At last! Fall is in the air. The back of summer is broken! Sure we may have some more hot days, but they are going to be a few at a time, not a few weeks at a time.

Even Lou the dog is happier on cool mornings. He runs around and attacks the cats with more energy in the cool mornings. All the neighborhood dogs are out this morning, doing what they love to do best. Running back and forth along the fence line, barking at each other. Ahh cool weather brings out the simple joys of life.

Hot weather makes us grouchy. [My mom would say, "you choose to be grouchy."] Well, now we won't have an excuse. I won't have an excuse. Fall is in the air. Allergy season is almost over, you won't sweat walking around outside. The grass will turn green again soon. Electric bills are down. Attendance at church will pick up. That car that I refuse to fix the A-C in will become a good car again. Fall colors are going to break out soon. We can sit on the deck.

Fall. It's all good. I better be really good today, because I can't blame the hot weather for a bad attitude.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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