Friday, August 24, 2007

Chief's game hugs

Blessings to the friend who gave us tickets to last night's chief's game. Thank you very much. It was a wonderful night. Blessings to those who fed us brats! Thanks a bunch.

Hanging out in the parking lot with Robbie before the game. Thousands of people are walking by us on the way into the game. Here comes the V family. GV and LV and two little boys. Their parents have taught them to pass out hugs and give knuckles. So here come these two cute little guys, and I get hugs.

When I was a young father and the girls were little, I always noticed how much the older folks loved it when the girls would pass out hugs. Now, I am one of those older folks. What a blessing to hug a child. What an affirming joy. Thank you to every parent who is teaching their kids to hug on their friends.

I hope that today, someone goes out of their way and gives you a hug. Come on, fess up, even tough guys like to be hugged.

Maybe if you hug someone, they will hug you back.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Lion's Den Man said...

ABRAZO. A hug. What a great way to open (give away) yourself to another. It reminds me of John 13:14-17. Opening ourselves to each other is the first step in trust. Trust helps us discover the path to who we are. Thanks for opening the paths. ABRAZO MY FRIEND!