Saturday, May 8, 2010

mother's day cards

Tomorrow is mother's day. When the kids were little, I always bought a card for them to give to their mom. Last year I stopped doing that. I figure, if they can't take the initiative to go to the store and buy a card for their mom, then mom won't get one from them.

That's how the real world works. If it is your birthday and I want to send you a card, no one goes to the store for me, I have to do it myself.

Teaching children to take responsibility and to function effectively in the adult world can be a real challenge. They tend to fight growing up with all of their might. I know that I did. Well, my kids are 19, 21 and 22. They can go get their own card for mom. I hope they do. We shall see, and I will let you know what happens.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff, if your kids read your blog, they won't dare forget now. Neither my mother, nor my mother in law are living now. I enjoy sending cards to good friends and others, to commend them for their self-giving love as moms.