Wednesday, May 5, 2010

six things

Monday I got to work and there was quickly a list of six things that were bothering me. I was so frustrated, so stressed. Yes, at church, sometimes the work is frustrating.

So I went back to the best advice that I have ever received in my life. Years ago, a dear friend told me to pick one of my problems and focus on that. Work on it until it is gone. Then you only have five problems.

So I picked the worst one. The thing that bothered me the most. I gave it more attention and more time. Last night, it was resolved. Completely.

Ahh. Relief. Somehow, making progress on one thing makes all of the other things look manageable. Back to work today. Back to the five things that remain. But with an attitude change on my part, they are no longer problems, they are challenges.

If you are facing a big pile of challenges, pick the worst one and work on it until it is done. Then pick the next one and work on it until it is done. Little by little, the stress will lift.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

God bless you for sharing this. Sorry you had to go through this to help others, but today's post is headed off to a friend who is going through just what you were. God seems to always lay the perfect thing on your heart, to share with all of us in your blog.

Anonymous said...

going right along with what you are suggesting, someone taught me a long time ago, that worrying about a problem causes depression, but creating a plan to address the problem energizes us.