Sunday, August 30, 2009

home for the weekend

The son who had left for college came home for the weekend. The father was waiting at the door to hug him. The son really just came home for one day. A home cooked meal, a bicycle, a little chatting with Mom and Dad, and he was back to college. He did not want to miss the football game on Saturday night.

He is making new friends, going to class, and having the time of his life.

I realize now that there were two parts to my being upset at him going away. The first part is just that I miss him. The second part is that you wonder how they are doing. Is he going to be ok at college?

Well, he is fine. More than fine. Seems to be adjusting to college life well. So, I don't have to worry about that anymore. And if he is ok, well, that helps me, and I will keep working on the missing him part.

I know that sometimes God misses us, when we don't pay any attention to him. I also know that he is very concerned about us being "ok" or content in this life. Interestingly enough, the skills that we have at being content in life are usually learned from our parents or from our heavenly father.

If you have not called home for a while, your father would like to spend some time with you.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Sharon said...

; )

Lori G. said...

I think there's a third part about this college thing, too. You hope that they will WANT to come back home to you. Do you think God feels the same way? He gave us free will to go out into the world and live our lives, but he hopes we'll want to come back to him too?