Wednesday, August 26, 2009

the veil

This can't wait for a sermon, but it will appear in one, some day soon.

In the temple in Jerusalem, there was a veil that separated the holiest place in the temple. God's presence was in the holy place and people were on the other side of the veil.

We know that when Jesus died, the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom. Mt. 27:51. I have always heard that it was torn from top to bottom, showing that it was God that tore it, not man. I have also heard that the veil being torn allows us to go into the holy of hollies. We can now enter the presence of God, without the help of a priest.

What I heard for the first time the other day was this....when the veil was torn, it wasn't just that we got to go in, it also meant that God gets to come out. God who at least symbolically was held behind the veil, was loosed into the world.

The presence of God is loosed into the world. Pentecost. The Spirit of God, present in your home, in your life. God is everywhere. There is no place that you can go where he is not present.

He is in your kitchen. In your office. In your car. I like that.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Dave Templeman said...

I like that a lot. Great perspective and probably what God had in mind when the veil was torn.