Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I love books and I love to read.  Reading makes me smarter.  Not smarter than someone else, smarter than what I was. 

I love to ask people what they are reading.  When I find someone that I think is cool, I love to hear about what they are in to.  It's like if someone loves the band "Steely Dan"but you are unfamiliar with them, you may want to go out and buy an album.  If it is good for them, maybe it will be good for you.

So, I am driving down the road one day and I hear Dave Ramsey talking about the five books that he makes his employees read.  I pull over to the side of the road and write them down.  Here they are-

"Who moved my cheese" by Spencer Johnson
"The Go-getter" by Peter Kyne
"Rhinoceros Success" by Scott Alexander
"QBQ - The Question behind the question" by John Miller
"The legend of Monk and the Merchant" by Terry Felber

I bought them from one of my used book sites and I thought they were all very good, especially the Go-getter.  Rhinoceros Success was my least favorite.

What are you reading?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Sharon said...

This will most likely not come as a surprise to you, but the last book I read was "The Air I Breathe" by Louie Giglio. The one before that, also by Louie Giglio, was "i am not but I know I AM". Both were awesome books in my opinion, but i am not but I know I Am was my favorite. Easy reads...awesome stuff.

I'm not sure I am any smarter though--I'm not good at retaining information. That's one thing I need to work on. I read about how to do it once, but I've already forgotten how. Seriously. ; )

Josh Shepherd said...

I'm reading in Spanish now because I finished all the English books :). A friend I made in Guatemala lent me a fiction book that in english is translated "the alquimist" by Paulo coelho. It's fiction, but I felt like I understood God and life so much more clearly while reading it. good stories do that, i suppose.